It all started with my very first bike — a little PW50 or something like that. I was learning how to wheelie when I slipped off the edge of the driveway and crashed my face (yes, I had a helmet on) into two of my aunt’s porch posts, knocking them down. The adrenaline rush I got from that was intoxicating. From that moment, it was game over. My next bike was a KX80, followed by a KTM 250SX.

After a few years of riding and outgrowing bikes, my family and I weren’t in a position to afford extra toys, so I took a break from riding. I left for the Air Force, came back with some money in my pocket, and the urge to ride again. So, I bought a 2006 ZX10R. But in 2016, I ended up crashing into a car that ran a stop sign while I was going about 80 mph. I broke my right femur in half, destroyed my left knee, ruptured my intestines, broke my nose, a toe, collapsed a lung, and flatlined twice — once in the ambulance, once in the hospital overnight.

But I DID NOT CARE. I wanted to ride. The power I felt on that bike was like nothing I had ever experienced. I needed it back. Unfortunately, due to the accident, I was left with drop foot in my left foot — my shifting foot — making it impossible to shift. But nothing was going to stop me from riding again. I was on a ZX6R with a leg fixator, a wrist fixator, and staples in my foot, head, and stomach. NOTHING would keep me off two wheels... well, maybe just one wheel.

A few years passed, and I couldn’t afford a new motorcycle. I didn’t have transportation and needed something. I thought, “Maybe an e-bike?” But to my knowledge, all electric bikes were those foldable, dinky models. That was until I discovered the Talaria XXX. With some help, I purchased one, and I loved it. It was a whole new experience — all the fun I used to have, but with no clutch, no fuel, no noise... just pure fun.

As you know, when we get these bikes, we instantly want upgrades. Back then, the Talaria XXX was still new, and there weren’t many parts available. I ended up getting a set of Supermoto wheels and found out I was the first person to have them. It felt pretty cool to have something no one else did. Then I added another part... and another... eventually putting on a new motor — the first of its kind.

Long story short, becoming an innovator for the XXX and gaining recognition in the community was addicting, so I kept going. After $16,000 and a ton of work, I had built the world’s first fully built, fastest, and most expensive Talaria XXX. I was hyped.

Several months later, I had the opportunity to meet and ride with the GritShift crew. WOW. What a difference. I thought I had the baddest bike around, but I quickly realized that I had spent $16,000 on a child's toy. Here at GritShift, we mean BUSINESS. Now that I’m part of the team, I realize what that really means. The machines are masterfully crafted, with raw power, pure elegance, and a go-get-’em attitude that I love. The attention to detail, while still creating monster machines — that’s GritShift.